25 Apr 2012

Catrice: Long Lasting Liquid Eyeliner

How many liquid eyeliners do you know that last all day and how many liquid eyeliners do you want to last all day? Some, one or none? Most of us get up in the morning, put on makeup and that is it for the day. Makeup bag is forgotten at home or we don't even have time with a busy hectic schedule. We want something that will last all day. I try to stay away from wearing heavy foundation all day, with just some BB cream but I don't like to go out without eyeliner.

At first, I started trying out eyeliner pencils and love the MAC smokey eyes kohl pencil in black. However, eyeliner pencils just don't seem to stand the test of time. They just don't make it 'til the suns goes down and that is what I am in search of. I will still use the eye pencil but only if I am in a huge rush or want really smokey eyes around the bottom of my eyes (you can also use eyeshadow for this though). For the days when I have those extra five minutes I like to use liquid eyeliner, only on the eye lid and not around the bottom of my eye. Perfecting this has taken a lot of time and patience, and even at that, we all make mistakes!

So when my little trusty Rimmel liquid eyeliner ran out and decided to try something new. My Rimmel eyeliner was a great friend however, one slight problem I have with this particular eyeliner is it's drying time. You can't so much as blink and your eyelash somehow spreads the eyeliner across the top of your eye before it can dry. That is why I need something which is fast drying but long lasting.

Enter Catrice! And yet again Catrice wins in my amazing value but high quality beauty product. Catrice wins in the nail varnish stakes and now is a front runner for liquid eyeliner for me. Today is the first day I tested out this wonderful product, and I can only describe it as a dream and so easy to use for those who are new to eyeliner application.

If you haven't tried Catrice then you are missing out! Available at most Pharmacies across the UK and Ireland and you can buy online

The Colour:
010 Meet Joe Black (I love the name!)
The Application:
It is a cross between a pencil and a eyeliner. It doesn't flop like most liquid eyeliner brushes and stays hard like a pencil tip, leaving it quite easy for you to draw a smooth line across the bottom of your eyelid.
It lasted all day. I wore it from 8am until 9pm and it didn't move. Definitely going to stock up on more of these.
Excellent quality product. I spent three times the price on MAC eyeliner and although I love MAC I can honestly say Catrice worked a lot better for me. If you are looking for an everyday product then this is worth testing.
Overall Thoughts:
Really happy with my Catrice purchase. I have no doubt I will try out every other eyeliner under the sun but for now, and on a budget, this is my top product for the week. You can purchase Catrice online but any good local drugstore or pharmacy will stock this range.

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