22 Jul 2012

Preppy and Pink

If you asked me to define my style, I would find this quite a challenge. I wear clothes to suit my mood. Yes, if you ask any of my friends and family, I do own a ridiculous amount of cream, gold and white tops, however, my mass ownership of plain coloured tops is justifiable. I like to buy clothes which don't go "out of season". Since when did you say or hear anyone say, "oh hey it's winter, I can't wear that white top"..or "oh look the sun is shining I can't wear that!". My clothes aren't limited to seasons and that makes me feel happy considering I spend more money than I can really afford to on clothes. 

The shorts are from H&M, a purchase I made in Chicago. I know they have the same stuff here but I was worried they wouldn't be there on my return! They are a deep berry colour/pink! I originally wore this with, low and behold, a white top! I think these would look great in the winter with a black top and black tights...but for now, I wore a stripey blue and white shirt from Hollister. There is a funny story to go along with this shirt. I am not quite sure it is funny "ha ha ha" or just a funny situation which might deserve a "ha". Hollister, as many of you might be familiar with is a dark, teens/early 20s filled shop which resembles a nightclub filled with rails of clothes. All I wanted was to get a couple of shirts for my boyfriend, but this was taking longer than expected. After spending about 30 minutes in the dark...trying to see the real colour of the shirt, I look at the huge queue which we needed to participate in to pay for everything! Considering the length of time we had to endure to buy a couple of shirts..I felt we needed to buy more to  match the length of time in the shop! I grabbed this shirt, without trying it on, and without really knowing the colour..and here we are, months later, with a nice shirt! 
Shirt - Hollister, Shorts - H&M, Bag - Boutique in Dublin. 


  1. Love it. Totally agree on the justification.... you need at least 1 personal item for every 5 minutes spent in queue x

  2. Thanks hun..I'd love to live by that rule all of the time....but I'd be more than broke!!


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