
Reserved For Ruby is a lifestyle and fashion blog. The focus is mainly on make up, fashion, vintage jewellery and clothing. 

Currently there has been over 13,004 views to Reserved For Ruby and received 1,500 views last month. Every blog post is sent out in a 140-character tweet to all 536 followers. All images are posted to Pinterest to 50 followers. All posts are also posted to the Reserved For Ruby Facebook page which has 41 likes. 

To advertise with costs just €8 a month. Your ad will be placed on the right hand side of the blog posts. You will be featured in an exclusive blog post, including links to your website with an option to feature a giveaway. The post will feature on Facebook and Twitter.

If you would like to discuss another idea you have just drop me an email:

 Updated September, 2013

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I try to correctly credit every image I use that wasn't taken by myself. All images are used for commenting purposes only, but if you would like a credit changed or an image removed please contact me and I will happily comply.